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San Jose Accident Kills 5 Year Old Pedestrian

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A tragic accident occurred in San Jose last month involving a speeding SUV and a five year old pedestrian as they were crossing the street on their way to the local elementary school. The SUV blazed through his crosswalk just next to the school, striking the child and killing them as a result of the impact. According to reports, the SUV struck three family members in this incident as they were speeding; only coming to a stop 50 feet before the intersection, not quickly enough to avoid the family walking to school.

At this time police claim there is no suspicion of the driver having been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and they are fully cooperating with the police as the investigators. While they suspect the driver was speeding, they will not press criminal charges until they do. Sadly, the street located by Parkview Elementary on Bluefield Drive, police claim there are far too many speeding drivers in that area which endangers the lives of so many kids and adults. Accidents like this lead the community to believe that more needs to be done in order to promote safety for pedestrians, especially around school zones where there are far more walking children than any other area in a town.

Have you recently lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident? If so, please do not hesitate in contacting your local San Jose personal injury lawyer at The Law Offices of Caroline J. Nasseri! Far too many people are suffering as a result of negligent drivers either in pedestrian or car accidents, and we want to help you fight for justice. We will do whatever it takes to help you and your family file a wrongful death lawsuit and seek the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. Call us today for more information!